Welcome to Kentucky Rural Health AssociationThe Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA) educates providers and consumers on rural health issues and advocates actions by private and public leaders to assure equitable access to health care for rural Kentuckians. Since the founding of KRHA in 1999, it has sponsored conferences, discussions and workshops on current topics pertaining to rural health. Whether it provides Medicaid updates to rural members, works to recruit health professionals to rural areas, or sends representatives to meetings of the National Rural Health Association, the KRHA has been faithful to its two goals of educating members on rural health issues; and serving as an advocate for equitable access to health care for rural Kentucky. Whether you are a local official, clinician, teacher, or simply an interested citizen, you will benefit from joining and supporting the Kentucky Rural Health Association. The membership fee is modest, but the impact can be tremendous. As a KRHA member, you will have an opportunity to hear about why and how decisions affecting you are being made, and be able to express your opinion to the people who make those decisions. 2025 Regional Symposiums Track Objectives: Kentucky Hepatitis Academic Mentorship Program (KHAMP) Track:
Immunize Kentucky Coalition (IKC) Track: Enhance Knowledge and Utilize Resources:
Data-Driven Outreach and Engagement:
Effective Vaccine Administration and Communication:
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