Improving the health of rural Kentuckians.

Welcome to the home of KHAMP,

the foundational model for USHAMP

What is KHAMP?

  • The Kentucky Hepatitis Academic Mentorship Program (KHAMP) is a training program with a tele-mentoring support for healthcare providers throughout communities in the Commonwealth.
  • Primary care providers, women’s health providers, pediatricians,  pharmacists and nurses will receive training on hepatitis C epidemiology, diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention.
  • Provides healthcare providers the skills needed to treat hepatitis C patients in their local communities.

    Who are We?
    • KHAMP Faculty:  Kentucky and national experts who care for patients with hepatitis C every day

        • Faculty are based in academic medical centers and communities across the state
    • KHAMP Scholars:  Each individual who completes KHAMP training
    • You are part of a network of individuals across the state striving to treat and cure Hepatitis C

    Regional Symposiums - KHAMP Trainings (5-hour training)  *see flyer below

    Did you know? 

    Check out these informative videos on Hepatitis C. 

    Kentucky HVC: Did You Know?

    A Story of Occupational Exposure

    A Story of IV Drug Exposure


    Improve the health of individuals in underserved communities throughout the Commonwealth by building a primary care workforce trained by experts to screen, diagnose, treat, and follow persons infected with hepatitis C infection.

    Educate providers on treating individuals for hepatitis C in their local communities

        • Bridge the gap between prevention and management of hepatitis infections throughout the Commonwealth 
        • Increase the number of individuals treated
     Empower state leaders to develop a team-based program that will improve both individual and public health and provide momentum for eliminating hepatitis C in the US according to the Viral Hepatitis Strategic Plan 2025.

    Advocate for expanded access to curative hepatitis C treatment through education of a broad range of care providers, development of strong linkages to care, best practices, improving access to care, policy changes and insurance reform.

    Collaborate to provide resources and networking opportunities to multiple stakeholders within their state.  Collaborate with other state programs to strengthen state-based HAMP.

    Support Offered

    • One on one mentoring and support

    • Monthly case-based training through virtual open office hours

    • Quarterly training for special populations

    • Educational resources and flyers for quick reference

    • Data management resources

    • RedCap

    KHAMP Planning Committee Members
     Ashutosh Barve, MD, PhD University of Louisville Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
     William Balistreri, MD  Cincinnati Children's, Pediatrics
    Tracey GowanUniversity of Louisville Division of Hepatology
     Claudia Espinosa, MC, MSc University of Florida, Perinatal

    For access to additional resources, please consider becoming a member of our association!

    Become a Member

    Learn more about US-HAMP, our nationwide collaboration to increase the number of patients cured from Hepatitis C. 

    Learn More

    Become a Member of our Association today! Apply Now!

    (C) Copyright Kentucky Rural Health Association

    "Kentucky Rural Health Association" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 750 Morton Boulevard Hazard KY 41701

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